
Age-related changes in how 5- to 8-year-old children use and execute finger-based strategies in arithmetic

To determine how young children use and execute finger-based strategies, 5- to 8-year-olds were asked to solve simple addition problems under a choice condition (i.e., they could choose finger-based or non-finger strategies on each problem) and under …

International Symposium IGUANA 2022

IGANA 2022 Website Finger counting while calculating, also known as finger use, was shown to be associated with arithmetic attainment in young children (Jordan et al., 2008). Working memory (WM) shares a relation with both arithmetic and finger counting, but more research is needed to determine how WM impacts the relation between finger use and arithmetic (Dupont-Boime & Thevenot, 2018; Crollen et Noël, 2015). Hence, studies focusing on the relation between finger use and arithmetic would benefit from concurrently investigating WM.